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A pecular problem out here, especially in Kentucky. Is you have water with
sulpher in it, selenium absorption is not good. Causes all kinds of
breeding/foaling problems. I don't know the details, but I know of sveral farms
that take strong measures to eliminate sulpher from their water (and NOT just for
the bad taste and smell).
CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-07-21 01:26:26 EDT, nevadaghostridr@webtv.net writes:
> << .is it true that a horse that is very deficient
> in Se, usually needs a bolus shot of Se before being fed an oral
> supplement, otherwise the supplement is not absorbed?? >>
> This is a gray area, but in my clinical experience, I have had people feed and
> feed and feed selenium to deficient horses with very little result, but have
> had much more success giving injections initially and then maintaining on oral
> supplementation. I have not seen any research about this, but my own theory
> is that since selenium is a co-factor in so many enzymatic functions in cell
> membranes that perhaps membranes in the digestive tract are less efficient at
> lots of things (including absorbing more selenium) just like muscle cell
> membranes and white blood cell membranes are.
> Heidi
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