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re: The Overkill Fannypack List
Dear Jillian and Ridecampers,
First of all, I'm the one that wrote in a request to the group in
regards to my "Saddle Fit/Agony problem. Thought I would thank everyone
again for all their help. In return, I would like to make a contribution
as well.
Even though I have yet to make it to my first endurance ride, I have
spent "many" an hour in preparation and have gone thru "many" a fanny
pack before finding one that could hold up to the rigors of trailriding
at a fast pace. What works for me is an "army" belt with various sized
"army" pouches attached. Everything is durable - dang near
indestructible - it's cheap - got everything at an Army Surplus Store -
and like Susan, it's my survival kit. Like the American Express Card -
don't leave home without it! Just my 2 cents worth.
Ruth Abair (tx)
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