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Thank you to Amy "mavhyjac", Anne Hanson, RICMARC, Softride and
everyone else who responded to "HELP A.S.A.P." I think the emergency
is over.
After the back massage, we elected to steam the horse.
Rather than carting out gallons of hot water to the barn, I brought
him up to the back porch at the house.
I connected a garden hose to my utility sink where I can regulate
water temperature (no hot wash rack in my shed of a barn); placed a
fluffy, thick, oversize towel over Tez's back, and ran gentle
shower-warm (warm as he could stand it) water over the back, and used
the towel as an insulator.
We took breaks whenever he told me he was a little too warm. Kept it
up 'til the hot water heater was empty.
Tez horse took it well. Dropped his whiskers right down to the ground
and went sound asleep on his feet during his sauna.
When we finished, my poor abused, exhausted, sore-backed endurance
prospect was so drowsy, I knew that he would just stand on the lawn &
graze for a minute (which he always does anyway). So, I just left him
on the porch and dropped his lead rope so I could dash inside to turn
off the water and grab a bag of carrots.
As I was returning to the horse (15 seconds later), I looked out the
kitchen window. There goes my horse, cantering merrily across our
front pasture with a big grin on his face to greet my next door
neighbor who was out taking his evening walk with his daughter. Lead
rope attached, clean white steaming towel just a-flappin' in the breeze.
We'll take up the issue of additional therapy (torture?) tomorrow.
He's happy. I'm soaked and filthy, and there's no hot water left for
Ice-cold Corona, anybody?
Susie & Tez
Thanks, again, folks.
P.S. Goodwin Saddle is now my new wall trophy. Back to the other two
that do work.
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