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Snakebite kits

>Also, you have a snake bite kit listed but I was told it is better NOT 
>to cut
>and suction. 

O.K.  I'm going to make ya'll think I'm crazy, but has anybody else ever
heard of using a stun gun on snake bites?  Outdoor Life Magazine did a
series of articles on it several years ago, and I still have them.  The
articles claimed that venom sort of has positive & negative charges or
something, and that if you shocked the area with a stun gun (or even
jumper cables) that the venom seperated to the poles or something and
literally tissue damage or anything.

My husband went out and bought one for that purpose, since he was a
surveyor at the time and spent lots of time in the woods.  I have carried
it with me in my pack at times, but I did take the precaution of keeping
the battery in a seperate pocket.  Now it's been several years since
these articles, and I'm starting to doubt myself.  Am I the only one who
has ever heard of this?

Angie and Kaboot  (What's that in your hand?)

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