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RE: Dirty Saddle Blankets

I'm a fanatic about getting all of the soap out of my laundry (some time
back I was christened 'the rinse cycle queen').  I just keep running more
cycles in the washer until all of the soap is gone, and for really
hard-to-rinse stuff like terrycloth towels, I use vinegar to speed the
process.  I learned the hard way that you can only cut back so far on the
soap and still get things clean.

I realize that my clothes, saddle pads, etc. probably wear out a bit
faster, but it's worth it to me.


At 12:38 PM 7/13/98 +0200, wrote:
>I put them (3  weekly) in the washing machine with such a skin friendly
>detergent (no perfume and so all).
>The last flush is done with white vinegar to remove any detergent.
>> ----------
>> Van: 	Drin & Jim Becker[]
>> Antwoord naar:
>> Verzonden: 	maandag 13 juli 1998 1:30
>> Aan: 	Ridecamp
>> Onderwerp: 	Dirty Saddle Blankets
>> I have a heck of a time cleaning my saddle blankets , what methods do
>> you
>> guys use to wash your blankets? And what detergents do you use that
>> won't
>> bother your horses ?
>>                                                       Drin & Bo
>>                                                       S.W. Mt.
>Gr, Hugo and Lincoln

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