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Plantar Fasciitis -- some help
To my fellow endurance riders who also have PF (and who sent me such good
advice and suggestions), here's something I saw in a "Sports and Fitness"
digest mailed out by Rodale Press. In the June 1998 issue of
"Physician and Sportsmedicine" is an article describing how to make and
use "tension night splints" for PF. Apparently this splint can provide
significant improvement by maintaining "ankle dorsiflexion and toe
extension during sleep. This allows the injured fascia to heal by
creating a consistent, mild stretch. This article describes how to make
splints at home using a splint roll, elastic wrap, and tape. Sources for
supplies are included..."
I'll try to track this down and if I can get a copy I'll put another
note on Ridecamp. There are just too many of us with PF out there!
Cheers (;-), Connie B (CA)
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