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Re: ride fees
In a message dated 98-07-07 15:04:56 EDT, you write:
<< While I don't like to pre-enter I do try to call ride managers
and let them know I plan to attend so they can figure how many meals and
vets they need. >>
Speaking as a ride manager of 25 or more years experience, I have to say this
technique does not work for the ride manager. Many times prospective riders
phone to say they will be there "for sure", I order food for them and then
they don't show up. Another really bad one is the rider who faxes an entry
but does not send a check. I have counted them in the food order, they don't
show up, we end up paying for dinners that are not eaten. Bad news! I don't
count any more on riders who don't pre-pay. There are two sides to every
story. I think it would be a great idea if all riders had to manage at least
one ride (although it takes years to fine-tune ride management techniques),
and all managers had to ride. Then everyone could see both sides of the
Barbara McCrary
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