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Re: Klickitat Trek
> From: CMKSAGEHIL@aol.com
> To: spencer@inu.net; ridecamp@endurance.net; mcshasa@email.msn.com
> Subject: Re: Klickitat Trek
> Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 5:13 PM
> Actually, being a NW rider, I am really surprised by the sad story from
> Klickitat. Have ridden in this region for over 2 decades, and most folks
> aren't like that--most would stop and give any aid they can. Had one
case a
> few years ago where two riders stayed with a downed rider while a third
> for help--then when help got there, the two who had stayed ponied her
horse to
> the next vet check where it could more easily be trailered out. I sure
> some of the guilty ones are on ridecamp and read the post--sad how it
> takes a few bad apples to sour the barrel...
> Heidi
> It really is a sad day when a downed rider is not offered assistance; or
if so, it never
arrives. I'm sure this forum could be busy for weeks with riders writing
about their
particular experience with needing help and having received it; or of
riders offering help and it was on the way. I would like to mention that
in the Pacific SW region,
the Tar Spring 50/25 has a perpetual award given every year to rider(s)
by other riders for helping on the trail. This award was donated by Byron
and Lindie
Grant, in memory of Don Evenson - a gentleman well known in the area for
new riders in endurance and NATRC rides - a person who helped many, many
riders through the years, both on and off the trail. The award is given
every year
in his name at the ride awards dinner and the honoree's name(s) are
inscribed on
a trophy. The awardee is given a medallion to take home and their names
inscribed on the back. While not every year (fortunately) a rider is
injured and
needs assistance, or needs help with a horse in trouble, this is a fine way
recognize those who do stop irregardless of placing. While it is very
that someone did not receive help, I think that is far from the norm in the
of endurance. Barbara
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