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Thanks to Mountain region ride managers
Hi all,
I just wanted to send a big thank you to all the mountain region ride
managers. All the rides I have attended this season have been so well
organized and most have been just a joy to attend. The exceptions were
in no way any fault of any of the management and were minor. So thanks
to Rich Childs for Dobie Darters, Brad Patterson for Pawnee and Beaver
Meadows, Paschal Karl for Black Hills and Susan Schomberg for Shamrock.
They were all greatly managed rides. If any of you in other parts of the
country have not attended any of the mountain region rides you should think
about coming up for one of the multi-day rides - we have some great country
to ride through and usually less than 40 starters, much more relaxed than
100+ starter rides I'm sure! I just have to give an extra special plug to
Black Hills and Shamrock. Paschal does just a super job of marking trail
and the Black Hills is beautiful country. Susan puts on such a fun ride
that I have enjoyed all three years I attended, in spite of having to pull
the first two years - stone bruise and minor colic. Third time was the
charm and Grey completed 2 of the 3 days this year. My goal was to ride
2 days and if everything was just super try for the 3rd; Grey was off at
the final vet check 2nd day so we called it a weekend - he is fine today.
Shamrock is on a really nice 26,000 acre ranch in Wyoming, some good climbs
that give great views on top. There was a rig from Texas and one from
California this year and I think they both felt it was worth the 1000 mile
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