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Re: Vet charges
I have evolved to having a vet whose only job is to be available for
treatment. I pay him a reduced amount to be available and he/she usually helps
while there are no treatment requirements. But their job is for treatment and
all fees are the responsiblity of the rider. In general the fees for services
are reduced. The fee structure is between the horse owner and the vet since he
is technically not paid by ride management to perform services. The only
exception I have seens for reduced charges for fees at Goethe in '96 when the
vet was up all night Sat night treating a very sick horse. Charges for this
type of services I think are liegitimate.
The reason I bring in a separate vet for treatment is I don't feel it fair for
the riders to have to be impacted because of a required treatment - especially
at the first vet check when the horses are still bunched together. Later on it
is not such an impact.
Truman Prevatt
Brooksville, FL
Mystic “The Horse from Hell” Storm
Rocket a.k.a. Mr. Misty
Jordy a.k.a. Bridger (when he is good)
Danson Flame
- References:
- Vet charges
- From: "Karen Steenhof" <steenhof@cyberhighway.net>
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