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Michigan Heat & Humity results
I promised I tell you how the ride went. As Glenn Foster said, a higher power
stepped in and helped.
The 50 mile competitive horses were to leave camp at 5:45, 15 minutes after
the endurance horses. Yes, we were allowed to sponge in camp. We saddles in a
sprinkle and rode out in rain, thunder & lightening. When we got to the first
vet check, every pitcrew truck had its lights on. Boy was it dark! It was a
little scary with the lightening going on but that only lasted 20 minutes. It
continued to rain for about 2 hours off & on. So, we didn't need to sponge
much. The horses dropped fairly quickly at the 12 &1/2 mile check and at the
25 mile check.
It was the afternoon that got interesting. The sun started to peek its head
out about 12:30 and that heated things up. Occasionally we would trot through
walls of heat & humidity (like being in the bathroom after a shower). I used
electrolytes at each check (after they all drank) One horse never drinks
until 25 miles. I remebered what you said and did not electrolyte until he
drank. And once he started, he never quit!!.
By the third vet check, the humans were feeling the heat. I have bought some
Carbo Fuel (well, if it's so good for horses, why only give it to them?) and
we drank. Now, I am sponsoring a 10 year old and he was getting mighty quiet
the last couple of hours. After his Carbo Fuel, he didn't shut up until an
hour after the ride. I guess it works. (Squirted some into the horses also.
Yep, it works. Thanks, ti, they finished with a lot of energy). That is now
on the list of things to get before a ride.
We had 9 hours to finish this ride but no one finished in their window( ie:
in 9 hours). We all took our time and finished with very healthy and happy
horses. It was the race of the penalty points - who had the least. But we did
it. And Tubby (aka Nikker) handled the heat better than I ever expected.
Well, there is another event next weekend and it looks like it will be in the
80's again and humid. I think we can do this. Thanks for all your advice.
Becke and Nikker, the winner.
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