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Re: delaminating biothane
I am very happy with my Biothane equipment as well. This may just be a
case of a bad batch of Biothane. However, in general, Biothane does not
delaminate because of the way it is made. Oputhane, which is another
material from another manufacturer, DOES delaminate after a little usage
or after getting wet. It has a coating over nylon strapping instead of
being impregnated into the fibers the way Biothane is...
My Biothane tack looks great after years of use. The Oputhane that I
have looked old and shabby after a couple of months... And Sportack
makes great stuff, too.
Dave Bennett
Chickamauga, Georgia
email: benamil@juno.com
On Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:00:49 EDT TheApe@aol.com writes:
> I was shocked to here that somebody had such a problem with the
>biothane they
>got from Sportack. I have had many of their bridles and equipment
>over the
>years and have been overly impressed by how long they have lasted and
>how good
>they still look. My biothane equipment has been through the worst of
>worst and is still going strong. My friends and I are very happy with
>Sportack's biothane equipment and have never had any problems like
>Besides, they are really great to deal with if there ever is a
>problem. It
>must have been a fluke!
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