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>He suggested 2.5mg (tablespoon) per day and sold me a
>pound?? for $33.50.
>Is there a more economical source?
John, just a word of warning. I asked one horse vet here if the fact
that my riding pardner had started giving selenium had anything to do
with the fact that his hooves went to pot. I knew one sign of selenium
overdose is poor coat, and made sense to me that coat & feet would go
together. He said, No way. You couldn't really overdose them. I knew
that selenium is toxic in large amounts, so I went and researched it.
Sure enough, too much selenium is terrible for hoof quality. Another
friend's horse had started having horizontal separations in the hoof
wall. I told him I thought it was because of the selenium he was giving.
Then we got a copy of Michael Plumb's Horse Journal and it had an article
with pictures that looked exactly like my friend's horse's hooves as an
illustration of overdosing.
I know Selenium is important...but be careful. Also, the shelf life I've
heard is very short, (maybe someone will correct me if I'm wrong) so I
would be careful about buying large amounts. Back in 1988 when I bought
some, it was in a powder and the recommended dosage size scoop was tiny,
seems like about 1/2 tsp. Then, last time we bought crumbles. The
horses ate it much better, but it took lots more.
Remember, if you buy a commercial grain, it probably has selenium added.
Don't forget to factor that in.
Angie & Kaboot
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