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I am requesting any information about camping in Yosemite that will help
make our horse camp trip more enjoyable. I am having a hard time getting
information about the camp site itself but I have found out that there
are no corrals and the horse campsite (near Wowona) may or may not have
a picket line to attach the horses to. What can I do, quick, to train my
horse to tie to a picket line? Any handy gear or gadgets I should have?

I also heard that there are lots of mosquitos. One ranger I did speak to
asked me if my horses were "city horses". I said "kinda". Two
people/rangers did say that the trails can be tretcherous (sp) and last
year a lady and her horse died after falling off a cliff. Also mentioned
was a warning not to ride your horse too hard 'cause of the altitude.

I'm hoping to have a great time and I want/need to be prepared, so any
helpful hints would be appreciated. 


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