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Re: HRM problem

A couple of possibilities beyond a low battery:
1)  Use gel, it can electrode gel OR a gel like pure Aloe Vera, they both
promote contact.
2) Try reversing the leads, i.e., connect the long lead to the red contact
if you were normally connecting to the blue, etc.
3) Get another set of electodes or electrode wires and try them.
4) Check the good old Fartometer for abnormal readings and adjust your
Lutefisk quotient as required.

Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Cheryl Newbanks <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Thursday, June 25, 1998 9:04 PM
Subject: HRM problem

Hi group!

Lately I've been getting eratic readings on my hrm.  It is pretty new I
just bought it this spring but it is doing it on both horses.  I wet my
horse down where the electrodes go, but I think they are still drying out
and not reading well.  The spots that always worked on Blue (I never had
eratic readings before), now don't seem to contact him well enough anymore.
And Kodi I haven't found good spots yet.  I get good readings on both at
the walk, but eratic at the trot and canter.  It is like the hr hangs and
soon as I stop to walk it reads correctly.  Should I try some electrode gel
like we use on ultra sounds??? Could it be my battery already??  I've only
used it about 15 times.

                                  Cheryl Newbanks
~~~           ~~ ^ ^        SW Region
~~~\      _ ~~/ /\ /        Buckeye, AZ
       (   ) __    ) ' '
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