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FW: OD pulse criteria
Lori Wrote:
Top ten riders all finished by around 3:30 am and 11th through 25th finished after 4am(I think that was the most ever finishers in the last hour that they have ever had). It was a tough ride this year....hot and humid during the first part of the day.....A huge storm blew in right at start time so they had a pace car and didn't play chariots of fire this year. The footing was not real good in several areas from the wet season we've had(this in addition to the normal rocks!). The total completion rate was not bad for an OD (25 out of 49 starters) and they didn't have to put ANY horses on fluids this year from any of the rides!!!!!!! Does anyone think that besides the riders using their heads that the lower pulse criteria had anything to do with this?
At the USET ride the pulse was also 60, and I definitely believe that this reduced the risks to the horses metabolically. I have a concern, however, that the non-Arabs might be eliminated from completion, simply because they have a natural higher pulse.
I spoke with Dr. Bob Beecher (head of AERC vet committee) about my concern. It does not affect me, but I think it is very important that our sport not become exclusive to any particular breed or need for high technology. Just a thought I will pass on.
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