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Horror story: Featherlite Trailer

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From: Lucy Chaplin Trumbull 

Not specifically endurance related, but worth noting for
anyone who owns this type of trailer:

I was talking to my farrier last night and he told me about a client
of his who had just recently purchased a brand new Featherlite
3(?) horse slant trailer. The client was devastated because one
of his horses had been killed in the trailer, after it managed to
get its foot/shoe caught on the vertical bar supporting the divider.

I'm somewhat unclear on the details (not being familiar with 
this type of trailer), but as I understand it, the horse had kicked 
out, its foot had slipped on the plastic (of the divider?), the weld 
holding the divider poss. broke and the foot slipped behind the 
bar (which had bent?).

The guy stopped immediately and tried to release the horse
using a bar to bend the vertical bar out. The horse managed
to kick him, breaking his elbow. The guy ran to get a stronger/
longer bar, but while he was gone, the horse struggled so
badly that it ripped its foot off and subsequently died/was
euthanazed (?)

This has to be the worst nightmare for a horse owner and it 
makes me sick to think of the poor horse and owner, but I 
would hate to see a similar accident happen, so apologise
for the goriness of the story.

Please, if you have one of these trailers or one of similar
design, be careful.

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA

with Mouse and Provo

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