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Re: Carbs - only part of the picture
In a message dated 98-06-24 00:18:35 EDT, CMKSAGEHIL writes:
<< Last time I checked, I did not have a humongous large colon or cecum with
which to do what horses do with roughage. And last time I checked, horse
stomachs were only about twice as large as mine, hence their continual feeding
pattern and my mealtime feeding pattern. While comparative physiology is a
valid thing to study, we must take great care in extrapolating from species to
species when such large differences in the basic natures of the beasts exist.
Heidi >>
In the horse, carbohydrates are digested in the stomach. If too large a carb
load is fed, then some of it will move on into the intestine, often resulting
in colic and other problems. We must also take care to know precisely what we
are talking about before putting keyboard in gear.
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