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Re: Thyroid Problems and Ride results

In a message dated 98-06-23 17:37:06 EDT, writes:

<< I asked around and was told that equine thyroid was
 genetic, <snip> I
 consulted my vet and was told that thyroidism is not genetic and that studies
 have shown that horses may not even suffer from thyroid problems at all.  I
 was relieved but called the vet that had diagnosed the mare with a thyroid
 problem and he told me that it was a genetic problem and that I should have
 blood work done.>>

While the genetics of hypothyroidism are not worked out in the horse, I would
strongly suspect that there is at least SOME genetic basis for it, as it
occurs more in some breeds and in some families than in others.
Hypothyroidism definitely DOES exist in horses, and is a common contributing
factor to both founder and infertility problems.  I see and diagnose several
cases a year in broodmares, most of which are Paint or Quarter Horse halter-
type mares, but occasionally see it in other breeds, and even once in a while
in endurance horses. 
 <<My problem or situation is that I cannot find much about equine thyroid
 problems and I'm also thinking that this couldn't be genetic or I would have
 been told this when I bought my horse?>>

Don't bet on being told, since 1) many breeders have no clue about
hypothyroidism, and 2) some breeders aren't up front about heritable problems

<<  Also, I cannot see any signs of a
 thyroid problem nor have I ever (yes he fat, but yes it's because he is a pig
 but not a pig with a thyroid problem!) >>

Even if he is a pig, being overweight is often a hallmark of hypothyroidism.
Since he has a hypothyroid sister, I would definitely test!

I send all my samples for thyroid testing to BET Labs, 6174 Jacks Creek Road,
Lexington, KY   40515.

Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)

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