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Quick XP report
It looks like I may be the first one to get home from the Summer XP. The
Duck and Annie put on another fabulous ride as usual. They had between 50
and 75 starters each day. We all got snowed on Tuesday, but the weather on
the other days was close to perfect. Thirty-eight horses finished all 5
days. Bev Gray had the fastest overall time on AA Bravo (24 hrs 16
minutes). Jasandy Brown's mule, Ruby, had the second fastest finishing time
(24 hours, 19 minutes). Pat Henslee's stallion, Solzar, won overall BC.
Steve Shaw and his partner Michelle ride-n-tie'd 2 of the days. My horse,
Simon, and I finished all 5 days for the 2nd consecutive year. This time we
were 12th overall with a time of 31 hours. A perfect vacation!!!
Karen Steenhof
Boise, Idaho
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