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I also have a very special horse that I call the Iceman.  His name is really
Shekh Isa, but I have always called him the Iceman.  He is retired now and
living in a big pasture with three other retired endurance horses.  We did
over 5000 miles together, but I still remember very, very well our first ride
together.  It was the  25 miler at Tar Spring in 1986.  It was the first ride
for both of us.  I was terrified.  We were both completely green.  My fingers
were bleeding from holding on to his mane so tight.  I had to get off and jog
all the downhills because I was too afraid to trot downhill.  A very nice more
experienced rider let me tuck in behind her well behaved gentle horse so Isa
wouldn't go too fast.  I know very well how much a 25 mile finish can mean.

Debby Lyon

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