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Re: Free and Easy
Okay, for those of you who had asked - and I didn't keep all the addresses,
here is the cost of the new Dynamite Free and Easy - shipped to you:
A case of 6 is a little bit less, and of course, in combination with either of
the other supplements, the price is lower. Instead of putting all the prices
on the list, please email privately if you want to know the costs of the other
products including shipping, particularly the ones used most frequesntly by
endurance riders AND race horses!
Oh yes - I will break down the contents for whoever asks for the Free and
Easy. One jar is either a month supply for the severely debilitated horse or 2
months for the maintenance of the hardworking horse.
We will be placing a big order of this next week for anyone interested. Large
orders can be shipped directly from the company, saving you money.
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