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CTR Results
I would like to Thank all the riders, volunteers and Heidi our vet judge
for a great ride at Del Valle last Sat. Even with a little fog and a
wrong turn here and there all the riders made it in time.
Congratulations to the Region III Competitive Trail Champion Purebred
Arabian goes to W.W. Steele a Seyn, rider Ashley Stone, and Reserve
Champion, Prince Alla Baha, rider Ellen Lovett. The Champion Half
Arabian goes to Mountain Mist Mirage, rider Marilyn Orlando and Reserve
Champion, IBN Aflie, rider Hope Lundquist.
3rd Harca Sylvia Beverly
4th K I Starr Helen Logan
5th Benjih Judy Reems
6th G Dapper Henry Logan
7th Steele Fire II Nancy Corbelletta
8th AlgonKianstar Marion Schlinger
9th United Steele Cindy Pryor
10th ARR Heartbreaker Marilyn Hunter
11th KH Regaylia Patty Bailey
12th Arr Bootlegger Marion Arnold
13th Chase The Wind Suzanne Huff
14th Serinnask Darryl Huff
15th Easy Money Sally Depietro
16th Covington Janeen Heath
1st Oman Carolyn Tucker
2nd Aron Moon Mike Tracy
3rd Steele the Show Pete Folley
comp ASF Jordja Blue Atsushi Kato
1st Triton Natalie Suzanne Mounts
2nd Solace Linda Romander
3rd Stagedoor Starlet Linda Rusinek
4th GV Raindance Lynette Erlach
5th TA Masgat Lisa Zinkan
6th Ser Rahna Barbara Mathew
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