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Re: will my hope to be horse be useless????
On Sat, 30 May 1998 09:41:09 EDT Interim01@aol.com writes:
>Is there anything that we can do?????
>I Have the WORST problem. The horse that I have been seeing for a
>while has a
>terribel condition. About 3 months ago he was jumping a fence and fell
>on his
>hooves. And it almose ripped one hoof off of his leg!
Wait a minute and calm down. I know you're upset, but we need more
details. Since the ideal place for a horse to land when he jumps is on
his hooves, (though several of mine have experimented with variations) ,
we need to know, why did it tear? Was there a weakness in the wall
itself? Did he land on something that caught the edge and tore it? What
does your vet say about the extent of the damage?
I've had one horse split a hoof when running and coming down on a piece
of metal. My farrier added screws and a plate and it grew out with a
"hoof scar" but never had any trouble with it. The same horse had an
infection of the bone in his hoof and the vets wanted to remove the
entire sole and scrape the bone, then let it grow back from scratch...so
I guess that is possible (though I didn't let them do it, and he got well
anyway). Anyway, what's a more thorough description?
Angie and Kaboot
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