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FW: Help-Virus relapse?
So far I have 3 horses sick with various degrees of symptoms of this. The worse has had a tem of 107 with cough, nasal discharge, white saliva/foam from his mouth, has trouble swallowing. The on;y thing that gets his temp down is hossing him down. I gave him 1 gram of bute this am whenhis temp was 103, 2 hrs later it spiked to 107. At 5:00 p.m. gave him 2 grams of bute and an oral antibiotic "Uniprim". At 8 p.m. his temp was 104.4 so I hosed him again and got it down to 103 hoping that the cool evening with get it down further. The vet did a CBC blood work and found a bacterial count with a high-normal white count. Tomorrow he will do a culture to determine what's going on ie Strangle/Strep or whatever else. It does not seem to be a virus based on the blood work. Also he has swelling in his thoat latch area which none of the other 2 hores have had.
Have not had problems with a relapse since it's too soon to tell. Would be interested in how others are treating this, ie what drugs, diagnosis? My poor guy is miserabl/ He loves to eat normally and even tries to eat when he's sick but starts to cough when he does.
Another sleepless night!
Bernita BArfield from Arizona
From: guest@endurance.net[SMTP:guest@endurance.net]
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 1998 4:52 PM
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Help-Virus relapse?
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From: Anita
Email: reck@goldrush.com
My horse came down with the virus that is going around, was symptomatic for about ten days, was treated with SMZ for 7 days, was doing great. No fever, no cough and no nasal discharge. Day 15 started to relapse again with temp creeping up and has choking spells with some nasal discharge, though not necessarily related to putting his head down as in a guttural pouch problem, Not as sick as before but definetely tired of it all, laying down more often.
Any one experiencing this? Any leads would be appreciated.
Anita and "Sam"
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