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Re: Bits/Hackamores

Hi!  Definitely a side pull!  Mechanical hacks are severe and often rub
under the chin.  I have two horses in mechanical hacks because they are
hard to handle, one in a snaffle, because that's all he's ever been in, so
we have to get him used to a side pull, and all the rest(8!) ride in side
pulls.  I start them in snaffles until I am confident my control.
They sure like a side pull a lot better and eat and drink better as well.
The very best set up I have:  A  biothane halter bridle with a snaffle and
a sidepull from Austrailian connection with double snaps attached so I can
unsnap the snaffle after the first vet check and snap on the sidepull!
Oh yes, I also have SEVEN different sidepulls!  They vary a lot in severity!
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Endurance Arabians

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