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Re: dark urine
In a message dated 98-05-09 06:59:47 EDT, Cyberpony writes:
<< The majority of the urination is normal colored. Its just the last 1 or 2
inches that appear dark. When 99% of the stream looks okay and the last 1% is
dark, would you still recommend blood work?>>
I would if you don't know the horse. It is good to know if there is a
subclinical problem going on or if it is "just him."
<< When you say "treat dark urine as a serious problem" (above) do you mean
that a rider should pull from a ride if only the last bit of urin was dark and
all other signs appear to be fine? Or do you mean that the rider should just
be extra sensitive to their horse's condition? >>
Depends on how bad it is. Certainly as a sign of dehydration, it means slow
down, spend more time at checks, get fed and hydrated, etc. ALL parameters
must be looked upon as a part of the whole horse. If you see the dark urine
of the shade that means concentration rather than tying up, but the horse is
eating, drinking, bright, recovering well, etc., it certainly is less
significant than if other signs also indicate fatigue and dehydration.
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