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Scotts Flat
In the 21 years since I started riding in this curious sport, I have been
to some interesting rides, but Scotts Flat was unique in my experience.
Linda Spaletta and I arrived early Friday afternoon and vetted in during a
light mist. During the night we spent several sleepless hours listening to
the rain patter on the trailer roof - noises ranging from a soft bathroom
faucet drip to the staccato of automatic weapon fire. In the morning and
during most of the ride we had mixed sun and mist. However the trails
certainly showed the effects of the unusually wet spring. The footing was
really atrocious. Forest roads which would normally be called dirt roads
were rutted pits filled with sticky, gray clay. I would have classed this
ride as fairly difficult without the footing problems...lots of steep
climbs and descents. It was a very pretty ride, well marked, extremely well
organized and friendly. The vets and support staff were excellent and very
helpful. There were cold drinks, apples, and two kinds of hay at all vet
HOWEVER I really think that the sound, light, and sensory experience show
that seemed to be put on just for my cousin and me was a bit much. When we
were about 5 miles from the finish, as though to celebrate our completion,
we were regaled with thunder, lightning, and stinging hail for the
remainder of the ride! As soon as we crossed the finish line, the sun came
out and stayed out until we had vetted the horses in, and then as though on
cue once more, as soon as we were packed and ready to go home, it began to
rain in torrents. A most unusual ride.
Kudos to Suzi and her family for a first class ride.
BTW I actually got to meet one ridecamper who noticed the @ on my horse's
rump. Did you finish OK, Chris? I lost you after the first vet check. You
were probably finished and vetted in before the hailstorm.
For those of you who were hoping to learn who won, took BC, or top ten,
sorry I don't have a clue. I don't even know where I placed, but it was
Dorothy & Roshani who has 1525 miles shooting for 2000 this year
Hi Tech Tack
Oroville, CA
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