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special rider

WOW, I've gotten over 30 responses to Becky's story and they're still
coming in.  I called and left a message on their answering machine, and
read one that was specifically to her on there.  That way she can listen
to it over and over.  

I've been asked to send the story to the Special Olympics folks.  I'll do
that, with a little editing to make it better for more polite company. 

Lots of notes commend me for helping Becky.  I think you've got it
backwards...for example, I had told Becky we needed to keep the hay out
of the horse's water buckets...found out Sunday that she had set her
alarm for 3:30 AM and got up and cleaned their water!  This was AFTER the

She has made it very clear to me that I'll be needing her for a crew when
I try the Biltmore 100 next month, so those of you who are there, keep a
lookout for her. I'm sure she'll love to tell you about her ride.


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