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Reaction to 4 way shot

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From: Barb Peck 

    I'd bet money it was the tetnaus part of the shot that the horse reacted to.

    I say this because I spent  about 3 years separating the shots and the locations of the shots.  It's turned about to be the tetnaus or tetnaus booster every time. 
    The reaction can be severe.. and dangerous.
    I have 1 horse that gets a shot of Banamine at the same time he get his tetnaus shot, I ride him (slowly- walk & jog) for 10 miles right after the Vet leaves.
He gets a 1/2 dose of powdered 
Banamine for 3 days after the shot, and he STILL has a small swelling (can cup it in your hand) 10 days after the shot.
    I've also have heard of MANY 
horses in the last few years having large muscle mass soreness, to the point where they
looked like they were about to founder.  My Vet does not use Fort Dodge Tetnaus vacine
(this brands 4-way caused alot of horses problems in this area a few years ago).
    I'm actually skipping the tetnaus shot on this horse this spring, and getting a blood titer to see what the %
effectiveness is.  I'm also
going to have blood titer done this fall, then he'll get his shot, then I'll do blood titer again right after the shot.
   I've alsways wondered why horses need it every year (yes, I know they're very suseptible to tetnaus, should
they get a puncture wound.)



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