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Problems holding weight...

In a message dated 4/17/98 8:54:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Carol.Boardman@Dartmouth.EDU writes:

<< I have a 17 yr old Arab that we're
 having a bit of trouble keeping weight on during competition season even when

Just a thought...
How are the teeth?  Do they need to be floated?
I just had a vet here to check all of my horses teeth... He has a special kind
of  device that he puts on their head like a halter, cranks it open, and it
holds their mouths open... (they are slightly sedated.. ) then he can get his
hand in there and feel their teeth really well... 
I had my hand in there too and was really surprized at just how sharp their
teeth can get!!!  they all had been floated within a year or two... and they
definately needed it again! This vet has a special pneumatic floater that
works really great!  Much easier on both the horse and the vet!
My guys are "hard keepers" too... so, we'll see if it helps them with their

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