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Re: ridecamp forum and topics

> You can't please everyone all the time.  There are some people you can't
> please any of the time.  I think you are terrific and are doing a great job.
> If I were you my feelings would be very hurt.  I hope your skin is thicker
> than mine.  

    HI Steph, I'll agree with this post.

My comments on ridecamp to the people who want to post a lot. 

   Many people say we all have a delete key so just use it and don't attempt to control 
the list. There are 1000 people on this list, if we all posted once per day that is 1000 
messages a day. Is that too many for you? It certainly would be for me. How about if we 
posted 5 times per day like some people do. That is 5000 messages a day. Is that still 
OK with your fast delete key?
  If I go on a multiday ride I come back to about 700 messages when I am already tired 
and need to catch up. So I miss somehing important, my problem. At 1000 messages a day 
it would be 7000 +. 
  What I would like you to consider is that I think this list is for endurance and 
archived for future research and use.  Think about your post, think about how 
appropriate it is to be seen by 1000 people and then saved for eternity in an archive. 
Well or at least until it crashes or Steph cans it.  If you need a list that posts more 
try another list, start a sublist of your friends or pay a server to start your own 
group. Not trying to start a war here just trying to point out that with 1000 people 
you are not seeing the silent majority of this list that don't post very often. Maybe 
there should be two lists, a more serious list like a newspaper and a chattier list that 
Joe can start. Just a possibility.
Jim Mitchell
AERC 13117
2.5 year ridecamp member

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