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Re: prompting

That goes double for me. Those people who want to cheat or gain an unfair
advantage will always find a way. This reminds me of the discussion I had with
my husband about the people who run with their horse (miles, not just tailing)
and he thought that was unfair. I asked him if he thought AERC could enforce a
rule if there was one. Besides, the advantage/disadvantage of running vs.
riding evens out in my opinion. Having your crew tell you that the horse in
front of you is uncatchable or catchable isn't going to help your horse "pick
them up and put them down" any faster. It could cause you to push your horse
too much or not enough. Ride your own ride. Info on where you are shouldn't
cause you to suspend your good judgement (I use that term lightly for many of
the riders I have seen).

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