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Needing you suggestions!!

I have now had my new horse for two weeks and I am enjoying him very
much.  I have been riding him about 3 days a week.  Although I have some
questions that some of you may be able to help me with.

*He does not like to WALK!!  He trots very slowly and then gradually
goes faster and faster...I check him and check him and check him and I
think he just gets confused. Does anyone have any suggestions for
correcting him more properly?  I NEED him to walk for endurance. 

*Also, I don't like the bit that they were using on him.  The previous
owners were using a tom                   
thumb snaffle bit.  He's 11 years old I don't think that this bit is
appropriate, besides that, I 
have to be VERY heavy handed with him.  I would like to put a mechanical
hackamore on 
him.  I have riden almost all of my previous horses in one and liked
very much.  Especially in endurance because they can eat and drink
without anything in 
their mouth.  Any suggestions on how this may affect him and how to
change it over properly?

This is just kind of a competition related question and that is:  I plan
on riding a few competetive 25 mile rides before I go to endurance just
to see if he is ok doing the shorter distance.  I have riden endurance
before but, have never riden a competetive or LD ride my question is
what is the difference between LD and competetive? or is there a

Thanks all, in advance,
Angie and Maverick

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