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Re: Getting fat horse into shape
In a message dated 98-04-01 10:54:21 EST, helgeson@lansford.ndak.net writes:
<< My question is this, do I limit his feed? Should a horse that is being
ridden a lot be put on a diet? If so how much hay should he get? We
have nice green brome hay. Also, is it all right to do light riding daily?
Say 4 to 5 miles a day at a walk and trot? I do not have time to do
long rides three times a week, so I thought it might be better to do
short rides more days out of the week. I really need to get some weight
off of this boy. Can anyone tell me what would be the best way to do
this? >>
I really hate to diet it off, at least not too abruptly. Go grainless, but
keep a reasonable amount of hay available. Although I am not a proponent of
daily conditioning, in a weight loss program, short daily rides might be
suitable, with the "conditioning" rides being longer and still every other
day. Don't worry so much about him being overweight at the ride, especially
for a LD--just take your time and ride accordingly, especially if it is hot.
Have seen fat boys with a good conditioning base do just fine. (God forbid if
I had to get skinny before I could go!!)
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