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Re: Fwd: Humans, Horse, & Disease
Hi Lynge -- got your message about above subject. I was faxed Adda
Quinn's paper "Does Horse Manure Pose a Significant Risk to Human
Health?", an excellent job and one that every endurance ride manager and
trail activist will find helpful to keep in their files to answer the
Chicken Littles. I'll send copies to anyone who gives me their snailmail
address (seven 2-sided pages).
Also today, I was given two more interesting papers. One is "Forage
Utilization by Horses" by Julia McCann, Assoc. Prof, Animal Science Dept.
Univ. of Georgia. (Susan must recite this stuff in her sleep!) The
other is "Horse Manure: A Renewable Resource" from CO State Univ. Coop.
Extension, by JG Davis and AM Swinker. It's pretty handy too for horse
management, but I found the title hilarious becuz most of us find manure
"renews" itself too darn quickly; here I have just cleaned the corral
and I look around and dern if another pile of manure hasn't suddenly
"renewed" itself on the ground....(:-)
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