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Re: Starting horses on 50s
Hi, Sue--
You are the sort of person for whom we have LD rides--sounds like you are
conscientious and want to test the water. The LD's are the place to learn if
you can camp, to see if the human bodies can take it, and to test drive how
well the newcomers have done their homework with their horses. You hit most
of the reasons in your post. The HORSE is most likely able to do 50, but the
question is whether the rider has yet developed the skill and confidence to
know when he or she is safe with that new horse on a 50--another reason to do
a few LD's. Welcome on board, and good luck on your LD's. Hope you get to do
your first 50 at 50. (My Dad did his at 60, so you ought to be home free!)
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