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Hallelujah Ride in May
As manager for the Hallelujah Ride, a benefit for St. Jude's Children's
Hospital, I need to apologize to some of the people I have spoken with
about the trail. There are three fairly steep grades, of 25 to 50 yards
distance that I was not aware of when we talked. I have just ridden the
newest loop with my trail boss. My saddle did not slip. Hers did. My
saddle was custom made for my horse's back. If your horse is narrow, you
might want a breast collar. These grades are uphill. There are a couple
of steep banks to go down, but there is a big difference between five
feet and 25 yards. I do not want to be accused of misleading anyone. I
know that "steep" to a flatlander is different than "steep" to a
mountaneer. Where we are is kind of between, and I describe the trails
as gently rolling. We changed the trail to eliminate the away VC. All
vet checks are in camp. We have also tried to improve anything that
hinted at being a problem last year, even to the location of the
Porta-johns. There will be a worship service offered AFTER the 100 mile
awards on Sunday morning.
The good that St. Judes does in cancer research for CHILDREN is dear to
our hearts. We invite any and all who would come to join us on May 9.
The more who ride, the more St. Jude's can reap the rewards.
*Also, anyone who attended our ride last year that can make suggestions
to help us improve it AHEAD of time, we welcome any suggestions. We want
to make each year better, and the more input we get the better.
Regarding inquiries about the weather... That's in the Lord's hands. The
last two years He provided perfect weather. Be prepared for cool OR hot,
in May it could be either or both.
Thanks Lucie Hancock and Linda Fisher
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