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Re: Trailer Loading
In a message dated 98-03-29 09:23:26 EST, paus@micoks.net writes:
<< It really helps to practice the things that must be done at a vet check.
>Nowadays, my horses and I do a trot-out after every training ride - and
>often after we have just tacked up before we go. That makes a snappy
>trot-out at the vet checks a sure thing. The horse looks much better
>than he does if he has to be pulled or hazed to get him trotting. >>
You have NO IDEA how much we ride veterinarians wish EVERYBODY did this!!! I
have harped for years that people need to TRAIN their horses (as opposed to
conditioning) for this sport, and introduce them to as many of the things they
will have to do as possible before they ever even THINK about entering a ride.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these posts.
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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