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medical/leg weakness

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Have any endurance riders out there successfully dealt with a weak leg that I suspect is caused by a former back injury and possibly resulting nerve impingement? I have one leg that has trouble staying still against my horse's side for any length of time at an extended trot. That leg's ankle becomes extremely weak, to the point I cannot keep the ball of my foot level on the stirrup. My other leg feels normal.The injury occurred four years ago, and I went to physical therapy, which did allow my back to heal. But the left leg is still weak. When I have tried to explain this to a physician, he could not understand how riding could be affected. I know something is not right, though. I have tried strengthening exercises, and I work out regularly, so I feel I am doing what I can, without success. I have never seen anything written about this, as it relates to horseback riding. Any one who has been through this, I would love to hear from you.Thanks.   

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