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Re: Drug Withdrawall Times
Tivers wrote:
> In a message dated 98-03-23 09:45:34 EST, snodgrab@ncr.disa.mil writes:
> <<
> I feed my horse a supplement with yucca in it and occasionally use
> bute or MSM to manage arthritis. I need to know suggested withdrawal
> times for these items. I know yucca was just discussed but didn't see
> anything about when to stop feeding. Can anyone help with info about
> any or all of these items????
> Bonnie Snodgrass
> >>
> I don't think there are tests for either.
MSM is going to break down to elemental sulfur, so I agree that probably
won't test. Yucca has salicilytes in it, which is aspirin, so that
would test. But for how long and to what extent I don't know. I doubt
the amount in Biotin Plus is enough to test, but I stop feeding it 96
hours before a ride anyway, just to be safe.
> ti
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