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morabs and endurance
Some people asked about morabs and endurance. My morab is a big guy and
just going into his 3rd year of conditioning. I think he falls in the
catagory of the bigger horse who needs to get a bigger base and takes a
little longer to peak. Although he was stall bound almost a month with
an abcess, pasture loose but not ridden another 2 months because of rain
and a sore back, he is still very fit and can probably do an LD no
His temperment is relaxed...he is a bit more laid back then needed at
this point, but he picks up my cues and will go straight to business as
long as I do. Otherwise, he will gladly goof off and get away with
whatever he can if I also let him. Like the arabs, he is extremely
intelligent, personable and independant.
I think they make fine endurance horses, but also they come in all
sizes, so it is probably more of the size and chunkiness that
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab..."yeah, I'll work, but don't mind hangin
out in this huge pasture either....")
Pt.Reyes, CA
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