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? What year ?

In January, I think, some one mentioned that a ride
for either 2000 or 2001 was planned over the old 
Pony Express route, starting in St. Joe.  I've forgotten
what year.  I need to start my planning now so I'll be
ready - and so that I'll have enough vacation.

Does anyone have any details on this?


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  Wendy Milner                     HPDesk:   wendy_milner@hp4000
  Hewlett-Packard Company          e-mail:
  Mail Stop A2-5UB3                Telnet:   898-2182 
  3404 E. Harmony Rd.              AT&T:     (970) 898-2182
  Fort Collins, CO, 80528-9599     FAX:      (970) 898-2038

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