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Re: magnets
I thought I would ad my two cents worth here. I am a Nikken distributor and
experience that the magnets do relieve symptoms. However, they do not remove
cause. I would suggest that they be used in two ways: 1. as a way to determine
if the problem beng experienced can be helped without drugs 2. as a adjunct to
other therapy.
I become alarmed when I think that there are people who are relying on magnets
instead of using them as an adjunctive therapy. There are times when the use
of magnets are contra-indicated, such as during and post exercise, when one
would not use heat.
The magnets increase the circulation to a local area, this was debated by the
list about a year ago, if we don't want an increase in circulation then we
shold not use them at that time. Nikken does not condone the use of magnets
during exercise. This is simply because they can increase circulation to an
injured area when what we want to do is get the injury under control.
I feel that Nikken makes an excellent product, looking at it from an
engineering view.
They make a product called, Therma Tech, that is excellent for use on horses
as well as ourselves. It can be used during exercise, as that is what it is
designed for. It is not a magnet.
I have seen many people who use magnets that are getting relief from their
symptoms that still have issues such as, high ribs, thoracic outlet problems
... Some of these folks are stuck to refrigerators! (just kidding).
Please, please, discuss the use of these with your MD and DVM. If they won't
talk to you fire them and find one that will. If you use a magnet and you get
results a good practitioner should see it as another diagnostic, another clue
in to finding the cause of the issue. Like many things magnets have their
place. It is important to understand what that place is.
I hope I didn't rain on anyone's parade. Or magnetize a lot of hate mail. Ok
my soapbox is deflated.
jim pascucci
Certified Advanced Rolfer, Nikken Distributor and user.
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