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Borium on endurance horse shoes
We have experienced exactly what you describe and I can advise you that
while Borium will help out a bit it is not a "solve all".
We have decomposed granite sand in our area and experience very rapid shoe
wear. Of course we also rid a considerable amount and that contributes to
the rapid wear also.
We use, exclusively, Scott Colson flat plates and get the best wear out of
them. We have gone the route of even trying, for one season, abrasion
resistant plate, hand made shoes. They worked the best but the cost was
If you place any borium on the shoe, and we do for particular reasons on
occasion, be sure it is as smooth as is possible and only on the edges. A
borium application will last us about three weeks and then is worn off.
Be aware the well moving endurance horse at a full fast trot can be sliding
those front feet up to 12 inches every stride!! Even small dots or roughly
applied strips of borium act like drag brakes to the foot and can cause
tendon and ligament problems.
Our Farrier, as we get into the season and hoof wall growth slows will nail
low one shoeing and then high the next so the nail holes will not be in the
same hoof area at all times. The use of slim nails also helps the
You mentioned from your farrier<<<Doing this allows him to reset the same
shoe for approx. 7 mths>>> I agree with this whole heartedly on the
condition you do not ride the horse and you keep it in the stall on
sawdust!!! You also quoted <<<The studs sit pretty high (maybe 1/4") It
looks to me like they would present 3 pressure points. The farrier says
not. That the shoe is still supporting the entire hoof. >>>
I am biased, but if you are serious about endurance riding I would advise
you to look for a more experienced, knowledgeable farrier. One who is
experienced with the mechanics of endurance horses and how they function at
Remember "NO FOOT, NO HORSE"
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
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