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Re: Noxious Weed Free Hay & Products
In a message dated 98-03-22 14:00:38 EST, you write:
<< Thanskf for teh background, Bob, I did not know the history myself...But,
it is
true as I have been told, that pelleted hay and feed is considered weed-free
and therefore acceptable?
Bob, I also appreciated the clarification on the history of these requirements
-- I only related it as it had been told to me and my experiences with places
that require it. I only wish that your tone hadn't been so demeaning. You
made it sound like some of us who replied, and I included myself in that
group, were dumber than the day is long. :(
I did preface my posts by saying that this was my experiences and my opinions
-- I didn't post it as gospel. And right or wrong, I still find the
requirements dumb. BTW, I do have a degree in environmental science so I have
formulated my opinions based on my knowledge of how plant and animal species
migrate and I still think that in the scheme of things this requirement
doesn't do much to reverse a problem of invasive species. But, this is just
my doomsday opinion. Hah! So, now that this is almost turning into never
end posts, much like the "gun" series, I will shut up and keep my simpleton
opinions on this subject to myself.
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