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Re: Unidentified subject!
In a message dated 98-03-21 23:19:32 EST, you write:
<< There is no "set" pattern--it is a
constantly changing kaleidoscope >>
I agree with Heidi to a point. Fact is that many invasive species that are
"in the wrong place" are there because of MAN. IMO, man has interfered so
much that we have reached a point as we are not willing to do what it would
take to make a major changes in reversing the damage already done. So, the
restrictions like "weed-free" are nothing more than a very, tiny scratch at an
effort to make things right. This is NOT the way to try to make things
Even if everyone was very conscience about the weeds they transported with
them there is no way you could ever guarantee that you were taking stuff you
didn't mean to.
For some interesting reading on this subject, check out the March issue of
Outdoor Magazine and read about some very interesting invasive plant and
animal species.
BTW, let's not forget our friend Kudzu which was imported intentionally to
"help" with erosion problems, stablize streambanks, etc. And those of you who
are familiar with it know its propensity to take over anything in its path.
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