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Re: tying in a trailer
In a message dated 98-03-21 20:41:20 EST, suendavid@worldnet.att.net writes:
<< In an
accident, I think they would keep the horse from flying out the back
window, but doubt they could snap his neck. >>
My family had one personal incident with a brand-new two-horse back when I was
a kid--the butt chains had S connectors that were not fully closed, and one
end of one bounced off, so that the thing was hitting one of our mares in the
hocks. She kicked the door, and one of the bolts holding the latch was
defective. The door flew open as we were driving down the road. She was tied
very short, and although she stepped back and put a foot out on the pavement,
she was able to drag herself back in by her head and front feet when the
pavement she hit was rolling away under her at around 50 mph. (Thank God we
were on a narrow rural highway and not going any faster!) At any rate, she
had a skinned-up hind leg, but I hate to think what she might have looked like
if she had come clear out of the trailer at that speed onto the pavement!
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