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Re: Horse History
>I would be concerned that the horse you bought is NOT this Zhara
>horse. The new Equus has a great aarticle about buying/selling
>horses. Your case sounds like some of their examples. Dealers are
>know to use false Coggins papers. Is this the only "paper" you have
>on this horse? If she turns out to be a good horse, I guess papers
>won't matter.
>In a breed like Arabs, where there are 90% grays <G>, how is this
>dealt with, Ridecampers?
The AHRA bloodtypes. In a mare sold without registration papers, this may
be a moot point. Should the new owner be able to backtrack to the last
recorded owner however, bloodtyping might be helpful in establishing the
identity of the mare.
It is a good idea, IMHO, to obtain a Coggins test *yourself* on any horse
you purchase, *before* taking it into your posession. I once had a client
who was told by the dealer she bought her horse from that he couldn't give
her the paperwork because the whole shipment of horses was on the same
paper, and he needed to keep it...(The horse didn't have EIA, but he sure
had strangles...)
--CMNewell, DVM
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