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Re: Fossil 55 Award, BioThane, saddle
RE: Athletic value of horse back riding. My 18 yo son who has been playing
bakset ball and running cross country finally rode yesterday for first time
in about 8 yrs. He couldn't remember how to post so I was giving him a
lesson. He asked, "How do you keep all this aligned and still move with
the horse? " He conceded that that it was very difficult and only did
walking with some trotting and didn't quite get to posting much. He also
decided it was hard work and running was easier. My dressage instructor
gave her aerobics instructor a lesson to prove thaat riding was exercise.
She also agreed. Now I can't vouche for western style riding. Anyone
remember what it felt like after that first 50 mile ride and all the
muscles you didn't know you used?? Seems like it must also be good for
continued bone density (of the human) which we all need as we get older.
What better endeaver than getting great exercise doing something we love to
Mary Ann
Zavalla, Tx
From: Chris Paus <paus@micoks.net>
To: Eric & Gail Hought <hought@humboldt1.com>; spencer <spencer@inu.net>;
ridecamp <ridecamp@endurance.net>; Angela C. McGhee <rides2far@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Fossil 55 Award, BioThane, saddle
Date: Friday, March 20, 1998 7:08 AM
Well, you guys give me hope-- I'm 46! A few years ago (before I hurt my
back) I was a runner, slow, but still a runner and participated in a relay
race across southern Illinois -- River to River run 80 miles with a team of
8 women. We each ran about 10 miles. Our geriatric team of women from 40 to
65 came in last, but we figured we were better than the elite runners. They
could run for only 7 or 8 hours while we could keep trotting for 13!
The beer at the finish line sure tasted good!
Now I'm 40 pounds heavier, but working on that and Star is my "legs". But I
find that riding all day is just as hard a work as running.
I'm a newspaper reporter and our sports guy really hates horses. No one
knows why. He's never been around them. He insists that horse activities
are not sports because the horses do all the work! A local riding
instructor has offered him a free lesson to show him how many muscles he
will use, but he won't take her up on it!
I asked him about polo - there's goals, a ball of sorts, refs, teams, that
has got to constitute a sport...
chris and *
At 08:52 PM 3/19/98 -0800, Eric & Gail Hought wrote:
>No, I sure hoping 55 isn't old. I just didn't want to be eligible for my
>own award. I'm 52 and Fossil 53 or 54 just didn't have ring to it.
>Besides I said you had have a sense of humor. That's of the encouraging
>things about endurance, that it is not dominated by the young. It is also
>kind of baffling, because it is so physical.
>> Does anyone recall that women over 60 have completed the Tevis in about
>> hrs!! That has been giving me inspiration!! In the military, they are
>> finding us 'old folks' can do very well in the physical fitness world.
>> am 51 and doing more than I ever did in high school!! Watch out for the
>> baby boomers!!
>> Mary Ann
>> ----------
>> The Fossil 55
>> >Award
>> >will be given to the highest placing finisher age 55 or over.
>> You call 55 old? In endurance? I've been considering asking them to
>> move the Jr. catagory up to 45 and under. :-)
>> Angie (37yrs old. can't wait to be like Lawton Johnston when I grow
>> up!)
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